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~Are the Board of Selectman advocating for the residents?

Are the Duxbury Board of Selectman advocating for the residents of Duxbury? Watch the video of last night's Board of Selectman meeting to decide for yourself.

From this meeting, it is evident that all the Selectman are opposed to the 40B being proposed. However, they are concerned with the "tone" of the letter drafted by Chairperson, Amy MacNab. As Ms. MacNab states over and over, this is the Board's ONE opportunity to express concerns about the project. The letter to MassHousing should be strong, direct and contain ALL the information that is pertinent to this 40B including concerns about septic, drainage, public safety, wetlands, water quality, and density. What is the Board's vision of Duxbury? Will they stand behind the residents and advocate for the town?

They will be submitting their letter to MassHousing on Monday, July 19th. Read letters below from other Boards to MassHousing for similar projects. Duxbury's Board of Selectman must send a detailed letter outlining their concerns and opposition to this project that advocates for the residents of their town.

EMAIL THE BOARD TODAY to let them know we need them to be strong in opposing this project their letter to MassHousing. Address your email to the Board of Selectman and email


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