~Action Needed: MassHousing Reviewing 28 Unit Application
ACTION NEEDED: Contact Duxbury Board of Selectman regarding the MassHousing site visit to North Street scheduled for Thursday, May 27th (see below for the letter to the Town of Duxbury). In your email, please emphasize the importance of the Board of Selectman attending this site visit and that they should REQUIRE the applicant to stake out the proposed units for this visit. Staking out the units will demonstrate to MassHousing and the Board of Selectman that the proposed 28 unit development is inappropriate for this site in addition to not being safe and being detrimental to the environment.
Email your concerns for the Town of Duxbury's records at oconnor@Town.Duxbury.MA.US addressed to:
Amy M. MacNab, Chair
Fernando Guitart, Vice Chair
Cindy Ladd Fiorini, Clerk
Theodore J. Flynn
Michael McGee
In addition, reach out with social media accounts and personal email accounts:
Amy MacNab Facebook amymacnab99@gmail.com
Fernando Guiltart Facebook fernando4dux@gmail.com @fernando4dux on Twitter and Instagram
Cindy Ladd Fiorini Facebook claddfiorini@gmail.com
Michael McGee Facebook mcgeeforduxbury@gmail.com
Please email prior to the next Board of Selectman meeting on May 24th.