~North Street Lot 9 - Consultant Review
Nover-Armstrong was hired by the Town of Duxbury to review and comment on the Lot 9 building lot (North Street lot that is close to the corner of Keene Street on the even side of the street). Their May 17, 2017 comment letter recommended changes. Revised project plans were reviewed in a July 31, 2017 letter. Many of their concerns were addressed. However, the revised alternatives analysis does not include the larger piece of property owned by the developer on the other side of North Street.
#4 from the July 31, 2017 response letter from Nover-Armstrong Associates:
Nover-Armstrong's May 17, 2017 Comment letter stated the following:
"As required at 310 CMR 10.58(4)(c), the Applicant must provide an alternatives analysis which indicated that there is no practicable and substantially equivalent economic alternative to the proposed project. An RA Alternatives Analysis provided with the NOI is not in compliance with the requirements set forth in the Regulation.
The area under consideration for the Alternative Analysis is to include any adjacent lots formerly or presently owned by the same owner. According to the Duxbury Assessors' records, the property across North Street is owned by the same owner at the Site and should be included in the discussion of alternatives.
July 31, 2017 comments from Nover-Armstrong Associates:
The applicant had not addressed our original comment relating to no practical and substantially equivalent economic alternative to the proposed project. There is no discussion surrounding the full development potential on the larger piece of property across North Street to the south (owned by Applicant) and whether there is a no-build economic alternative to this subject NOI development proposal. However, it is our understanding that the development potential on the land across North Street is not yet definitely defined and therefore, it would be difficult for the Applicant to develop this information to adequately comply with the performance standard.
The land across the street on North Street owned by John Baldwin is part of the law suit filed against the Town of Duxbury in which John Baldwin is requesting six building permits be re-issued to him. A building permit was issued for 850 Keene Street.