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~Tree removal calculation for Lot 2 sent to Building Inspector

The plan for Lot 2 shows that over 70,000 trees would need to be cleared. Bylaws specifically state in Section 611 that "No person shall undertake clearing or grading activities of an area greater than 30,000 square feet at any time or in increments such that the total land are of abutting property within the control of any person graded in a thirty six (36) month period will exceed 30,000 square feet, without first obtaining a Site Alteration Special Permit from the Planning Board.."

Debroah Wolf sent a detailed letter to Scott Lambiase, Director of Municipal Services regarding the potential tree clearing. Scott Lambiase said there is some confusion in the interpretation of the bylaw if the 30,000 square feet refers to per LOT or per DWELLING. Town Council has been asked to give an opinion on the matter. At this time, a Special Permit has not been granted for Lot 2.

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